[Feature]: RTL and BIDI support
Created by: aRubes
What feature would you like implemented?
some languages are written right-to-left (or RTL,notably Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Punjabi, and Hebrew among others) and thus the typical text input box and resulting alignment of text on new projects can not properly accommodate their writers. In addition, users of these languages often will use LTR script (left to right) terms in other languages, often English. This is called BiDi (bidirectional) support in HTML terms.
example: when you type in English, after you have typed the first letter, the input symbol moves one place to the right, the sentence elongates rightwise and so on. the resulting text is left aligned as you type and left aligned when the post is displayed, as it should be.
In Hebrew, the opposite of all of these phenomena should be true. Instead, the input symbol stays at the beginning of the line. the sentence elongates leftwise as it should, but since it is left aligned (at both input and display) the writing is annoying to say the least. when a paragraph contains mainly En with some He interspersed in there, the BiDi actually works fine as the alignment is always left in Calckey. The opposite, however does not work. When typing in Hebrew with se English word here and jere,the result is jumbled to he tpoint that it can be very confusing to try and decipher the original meaning im some cases.
As I am an admin as well as a backer, I would like to do what I can to organize implementation of this request. I am aware that it‘s probably not top priority right now, but this has been solved many times by using the appropriate HTML tags, so I am guessing it will not be very hard to do.
I can provide animated examples from Calckey and Mastodon to show the differences.
Why should we add this feature?
to support the unlucky writers of languages whose scripts are RTL. roughly 600 - 800 million speakers worldwide.
all versions should be affected. We are on 14.0.0-rc3
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I have searched the issue tracker for similar requests, and this is not a duplicate.