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feat: Add Nix development flake with flake-parts

Kainoa Kanter requested to merge gh-fa55fa5e/9988/unknown/develop into develop

Created by: pyrox

This adds a development environment set up with the Nix package manager, direnv and nix-direnv environment managers, and a Nix flakes framework called Flake Parts

This is intended to serve as a way to quickly spin up a development environment for developing Calckey. It installs all tools required to run pnpm install, as well as Rust for the new backend code. When inside the development shell, there is a command, devenv up, which will automatically start a Postgres server and a Redis server, both bound to their default ports on

I am happy to answer any questions about tweaks to be made, things to add or remove, or anything else.

Known Bugs:

  • (NixOS specific, nonblocking)Testing with Cypress currently does not work as the binaries it downloads are not compatible with how Nix links.
  1. Note that in the .config/default.yml, you must specify as the address to connect to both, as they only listen on IPv4 currently, unless I can find a workaround.

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